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Forró dance course for beginners - Let's get started online!

Updated: Aug 6, 2021

Are you a first time dancer? This course is for you!

Do you have experience with other dances, but never danced forró? This course is for you!

You already dance forró and want to practice your basics? This course is also for you!

Forró for beginners, an online dance course focused on the individual. Understand the rhythms, learn all most used basic steps and develop your technique. This is a class for leaders and followers. No partner needed.

My name is Rafael Piccolotto de Lima and I invite you to join me in this dance journey! I want to be with you, online, during your first forró steps!

Rafael Piccolotto de Lima. Photo credit: Thais Aquino -

I have received a number requests about a "fundamentals" course. These requests date even before the social distancing era we live in now. Many students in my regular NYC dance classes would often ask me about resources to learn and practice fundamentals from home.

Now is the time! I finally decided to invest the time and energy to create and produce a comprehensive forró online course for beginners!

Fundamentals are some of the most important elements of our dance. I truly believe that it can define you as a dancer and your ability to dance with others. A good foundation will accelerate your learning process and make any more complex dance moves much easier to learn later.

Students will understand the basics of forró music, learn and practice dance fundamentals. Participants of this dance course will develop important skills that can be used for whenever they decide to go out to forró events.

The course will be comprised of three and half hours of live content recorded during 2 sessions (Mondays, June 1st and 8th). Additional material will also be filmed to complement live classes. It will all be recorded with multiple professional cameras and studio audio equipment. Replays will be available and all content will be edited as a complete course.

Please help me spread the word to your friends who might be interested in participating.

This will be a great way for us to be connected from the comfort of our homes!

From my home, to your home!

If you have any questions please write to

I also invite you to read a blog that I wrote a couple years ago sharing my personal experience, titled "basics, basics, basics" (click here to read).


ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Rafael Piccolotto de Lima is an experience teacher. He is passionate about arts, a doctor of musical arts and a Latin Grammy nominee as a composer. For him all forms of expressions are somehow related. Based on that premise, his interest and work has a wide spectrum: from a tail tux at a concert hall, to the dance shoes at a worn-out dance floor. Born in Campinas, São Paulo - Brazil, now he lives at the Hudson waterfront, looking at the south of Manhattan.

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