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You will have access to the classes immediately after your purchase. We use a subscription-based automated system.

If you are not satisfied you can ask your money back.
All levels welcomed.*
Focus on the individual. No partner needed.
For leaders and followers.
Participants have access to:
24 double classes recorded live (more than 35 hours of content)
80+ Recapitulation short videos (movement by movement)
Additional content.
Bonus: Access to Forró Workout.
Bonus: Access to Course for Beginners
Bonus: Access to Weekly replays (from live classes)
Bonus (soon!): Access to a series of special classes with guest instructors recorded in Brazil.
* If this is your first time dancing forró, we recommend you to start with the Course for Beginners.
Repertoire of moves:
Basics (including 1-1, 2-2, front&back, back step, cross footwork, walks)
Variations (many different ways of executing and ornamenting all basic steps)
Xique-xique, repique & miudinho
Turns (pião, half turns, in line, in orbiting motion, side turns, in 5 & 7 steps)
Understand forró rhythms and how to use them in your dance
Explore all steps from the repertoire of moves part of the class in relationship to the music
Style and Creativity
This is a list of the main themes explored in each class.
(Additional complementary topics are also discussed during class)
Repertoire of moves and technique
CLASS 01 - Introduction
CLASS 02 - Balance, weight transfer e foot position
CLASS 03 - The smallest unit - the evolution of steps (focus on side steps)
CLASS 04 - Front & Back variations
CLASS 05 - Backstep (open position) variations
CLASS 06 - Cross footwork variations
CLASS 07 - Xaxado
CLASS 08 - Half turns (for close position)
CLASS 09 - Front & Back variations (with walks and added steps)
CLASS 10 - Front & Back roots variations (with cross footwork)
CLASS 11 - Xique-xique basics
CLASS 12 - Hold and fake continuations
CLASS 13 - Cycle of simple turns in orbiting motion
CLASS 14 - Hip movements
CLASS 15 - Full tuns together (pião)
CLASS 16 - Added beat/tap ornaments to the basics
CLASS 17 - Xique-xique variations
CLASS 18 - Inverted turns
CLASS 19 - Side turns
CLASS 20 - Multiple steps and turns (5 and 7 steps turns)
CLASS 21 - Repique
CLASS 22 - Miudinho
CLASS 23 - Final recap - basic step variations, walks and turns together
CLASS 24 - Final recap - turns and the cycle of turns
Musicality, style, creativity, and expression
CLASS 01 - Introduction
CLASS 02 - Music count VS dance count, use of arms introduction
CLASS 03 - Understand transitions & Inverting strong beats
CLASS 04 - Simplify to be able to develop style and musicality
CLASS 05 - Rhythms of forró
CLASS 06 - Playing with the melody
CLASS 07 - Musical form, predicting transitions
CLASS 08 - Breaks
CLASS 09 - Preparing transitions
CLASS 10 - The forró "claves" - Syncopated rhythms
CLASS 11 - Rodão tips & tricks
CLASS 12 - Using repeated steps to invert beats / body angles
CLASS 13 - Musical body: isolating movements
CLASS 14 - Musical hips / Connected body
CLASS 15 - Silence/break VS Hold, Syncopated steps
CLASS 16 - Preparing for breaks and re-starts
CLASS 17 - Creating a focus on your movements
CLASS 18 - Movements in counterpoint
CLASS 19 - Playful posture / Playing with heights
CLASS 20 - Exploring the contrast
CLASS 21 - Practice and Q&A
CLASS 22 - Practice and Q&A
CLASS 23 - Final recap - musicality and style 1
CLASS 24 - Final recap - musicality and style 2
Rafael Piccolotto de Lima is an experienced forró dancer from Campinas (São Paulo, Brazil). He has been dancing for more than 14 years and was part of the Forró Brasil dance group between 2006 and 2007, held at Cooperativa Brasil, one of the most important forró venues in the state of São Paulo (in the 2000s).
Being a Latin Grammy-nominated composer, conductor, and doctor of musical arts, Rafael was also an instructor for special workshops about musicality and creativity in forró dance at Casa do Lago, UNICAMP (State University of Campinas), Brazil.
Rafael is one of the most active forró instructors in North America, teaching weekly in New York City and traveling to give special workshops. He was an instructor at the Forró Fest USA (2017, 2018 and 2019), 4th Boston Brazil Dance Festival (2017), an instructor at the NY Forró Fest (2018 and 2019), instructor and creator of the Forrobodó NY Festival (2018), an instructor at the Montreal Forró Fest (2019) and instructor and director of the Forró New York Weekend (2019).
Rafael is also one of the leading online forró instructors in North America with the creation of various online courses available here at Forró New York.

Complete Course
45$Every month

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