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Next Forró New York Weekend:
Summer edition and/or Autumn edition?


We are considering exciting options for our next Forró weekend event, and we need your input to help us decide!

This year brings unique considerations as we navigate around other festivals and events happening across the US and Canada.


We want to ensure that our timing aligns with your schedules and preferences, while also avoiding any conflicts with other significant gatherings in the forró community.

Should we host a smaller event during the SUMMER months, or should we stick to our regular format and wait for the AUTUMN edition?

​By participating in this survey, not only will you contribute to shaping the next Forró New York event, but you'll also gain exclusive access to early-bird discounts on tickets.


Your input is not only valued but rewarded!

Help us decide!

What edition(s) would you join for sure?
If we decide to do a Summer Edition, when are you available? Mark all dates you can join.

Thanks for submitting!

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