Are you looking for a super fun and exciting experience to get started dancing forró?
Or maybe you already dance a little bit and want to improve your fundamentals?
We created a special pass for beginners as part of our beloved festival.
Join us in New York City for our Forró New York Weekend!
You will have access 3 nights of parties with live music and a selection of classes planned for beginners during the weekend.
Learn the fundamental steps, a basic repertoire of moves, and how to connect with a partner. Get started the right way learning from a variety of curated dance instructors! This includes our team of seasoned local forró teachers and also international guest educators. No experience needed.
You will be surrounded by other beginners like you during the classes, and then you will have the chance to dance with more experienced forrozeiros during the parties.
Lucky for you, this is a cheaper pass compared to our regular full pass. It is discounted price to encourage you to get started dancing and having fun with us!
*Limited numbers of passes available.
See you at the festival!
Learn the basic forró steps before the festival
Do you want to practice the basic steps to make the most of the festival?
I prepared a free video for you!
It is on our youtube channel.
Click below, watch and dance along.
And if you want a strong base to really accelerate your learning, you should join our online course for beginners, with more than 10 hours of videos available for you to watch and dance along.
About the author
Rafael Piccolotto de Lima is an experienced music and dance instructor. He is passionate about arts, a doctor of musical arts, and a Latin Grammy nominee as a composer. For him, all forms of expression are somehow related. Based on that premise, his interest and work have a wide spectrum: from a tail tux at a concert hall, to the dance shoes at a worn-out dance floor. Born in Campinas, São Paulo - Brazil, now he lives at the NYC area, teaches weekly forró classes in Manhattan and produces some of the best forró festivals in North-america.
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